Solidarity Seal Living + Happy Foundation



As a FLY MOV company, we want to make a difference from the beginning, which is why by collecting information and searching, we came to the Live Happier Foundation, an institution that helps children and adolescents with cancer, thus beginning a collaborative alliance. which means a monthly contribution.


What does Live Happier Foundation do? 

The  mission is to improve the quality of life of children with cancer so that they can continue being children. This action is carried out through the creation of quality, welcoming and dignified environments, which help and improve the experience of children and their families.

How do they do that?

Through a comprehensive care model that unites medical care with the generation of recreational spaces and actions, seeking the emotional well-being of children and their families. The work of the foundation is based on the delivery of Complementary Therapies, TROI centers, Experiences to smile and support for families that translates into

What are Complementary Therapies?

The foundation has a team of professionals who are experts in psychosocial, emotional, expressive, artistic and recreational techniques, who through Laughter Therapy, Game Therapy and Music Therapy, and working together with the Hospital's Medical and Psychosocial Team, generate benefits for children. with cancer and their families, who begin with a better adaptation to the hospital experience, and continue with significant experiences that generate well-being.

Experiences to Smile

The foundation carries out different celebrations and activities that contribute to moments of entertainment and joy for both children and their families. In addition to educational toys for comprehensive development and content related to its processes, among other initiatives.


Make your contribution






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